Alumni Relations

Alumni Relations

Helping you increase alumni engagement and support

Business School alumni relations: creating the virtuous circle that drives success for your institution. Media Minds bring you real experience, real understanding, real results.

Are you managing your alumni relationships well enough to build the pride, goodwill and loyalty which translate to meaningful alumni support for your institution?

Our alumni services are built on direct experience leading alumni relations teams at several business schools. We understand the challenges and nuances of this critically important aspect of any educational institution and can help you launch a new alumni programme, improve communications, survey your alumni, develop strategy, increase participation and engagement, or create a culture of giving. Whether your institution is relatively new to alumni relations, or already has a mature alumni engagement programme; whether you are a very small team or well-resourced, we’re able to step in and help you achieve your goals.

Media Minds offers you a specialist range of professional development, alumni research and consulting services to increase the effectiveness of your alumni relations programme.

Alumni projects

Strategic advice, data analysis, creative idea generation and evaluation, practical implementation support or an objective sounding board: whatever your alumni project needs, we provide services to support you. We’re deeply familiar with every aspect of alumni relations and advancement, and our project work has ranged across the spectrum from a full alumni engagement strategy to individual reunion event planning; from alumni communications projects to alumni volunteer governance – and everything in-between!

Alumni surveys

Conducting bespoke alumni research to fit your particular needs: whether you are looking to assess alumni engagement or satisfaction, to explore a particular issue or gather insights to support development of new programming, we can generate actionable insights and meaningful data for you.

Alumni relations workshops

We have partnered with the European Foundation of Management Development (EFMD) to run annual workshops for alumni relations practitioners for six years. Keep an eye on our Events page for details of the next workshop. If you are interested in a bespoke workshop designed to cover your specific professional development needs, we can work with you to develop and deliver team workshops on any aspect of alumni relations or advancement.

Improving effectiveness of alumni communications

An audit of the school’s alumni communications and engagement levels identified areas for improvement. Recommendations on content planning guidelines, communications style and tone, and preferred channels incorporated findings from primary research.

Alumni Relations

Alumni projects our consultants have completed include:

  • Alumni engagement survey for a UK-based Faculty of Business to establish current levels of alumni loyalty, needs and expectations, to underpin development of a faculty-driven alumni relations strategy to increase engagement and support central University strategy
  • Alumni engagement strategy development for an Australian business school to increase engagement across their international alumni community in Asia
  • Alumni Council advisory project: development of terms of reference and appointment procedures to launch a new Alumni Council for a global multi-campus business school
  • Alumni communications audit and consultancy project for a London-based business school to improve the effectiveness of communications on social media