

An independent partner helping you achieve more

An objective voice on the project team; a global sector-wide perspective; fresh thinking to solve challenging problems; extra hands to power a project to completion. Media Minds works with you as a trusted advisory partner to help you address those issues where internal teams benefit from the experience of external specialists.

We understand how higher education institutions work and the challenges business schools and universities face. Recognising every institution has its own context and issues, we don’t offer generic solutions. We work with you to define the questions at the heart of the issue that need to be answered and define an approach to deliver tangible, relevant and practical solutions and support.  

Whether you are looking for objective, independent advice to help you address a particular challenge, or are looking for some smart thinking backed by experience and data to progress a project, we can help you.

Understand the market

From competitor analysis to market trends; from employer needs to graduate demand; from programme portfolio review to new programme development: we can support your strategic projects with research, analysis and/or objective advice.

Improve the effectiveness of your communications

Whichever audience you are seeking to engage – prospects, corporate partners, alumni or business practitioners generally – you are competing for attention. Multiple channels are available, and everyone in your school, faculty and professional staff alike, play a role as communicators for you. We’ll help you improve effectiveness, offering a spectrum of services from activity and engagement audits, reader satisfaction or preference research, editorial planning frameworks and social communications workshops.

Marketing strategy support

Improve the capacity and capability of your inhouse marketing team. Where extra resource is needed for marketing projects, or deeper insights and experienced advice to help address specific issues, Media Minds can support you.

Recent consulting projects have included:

  • Strategic review of new market opportunities for an Australian business school, identifying potential market demand for new programmes to support lifelong learning and the mature learner market
  • Brand audit with marketing organisational structure review for a European university, to guide integrated planning and activities across departments
  • Scenario analysis of impact of changes to the marketing budget on longer-term student recruitment
  • Benchmarking study with GMAC amongst European business school Marketing and Admissions staff on ROI measurement, marketing budget allocation and current challenges